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UI Trees Documentation

Website: Visit Web Page

Source Code: GitHub


Home Page

  • This is a web Application which is used to document trees in the vivinity of University of Ibadan.

  • This was inspired by the need to identify trees, their taxonomic details but with limited people versed with the knowledge

  • Only authorized users(Individuals with taxonomic knowledge) can upload trees and tree details It works in a way that when a tree is located,
  • The picture of the tree is taken
  • The authorized user then proceed to upload upload tree

Upload Page

  • Choses the tree scientific name and fills the information
  • The coordinates gets atomatically filled with js
  • Then Uploads the information

When a user (anyone) wants to search for tree name, they can general search or specify search general search

The general search returns any tree name that contains the search keyword, either from the scientific name, common name or local name specify search

The specific search can either be

  • Common Name
  • Local Name
  • Scientific Name
  • Location Name
  • Coordinates (This field is has its input element attribute editable = false, so it will be auto filled by the javascript geolocation)

These will return result strictly based on the search restriction

  • They get results depending on what they search
  • If they do not see the result, they can request for the tree name of that location and the authorized individual recieve the request and do the necessary Tree Request

Request Tree Name

Check out the web page HERE


  • Django
  • Django Extension
  • Django Cleanup


  • Font awesome
  • Google fonts